Wiltshire Maltings a talk by Amber Patrick
Thursday 3 April 2025Amber has been involved in industrial archaeology since the mid-1970s and is a buildings type specialist on the buildings of the malting industry. Malt, a main ingredient of beer, was traditionally produced in floor maltings. This talk will look at malthouses in Wiltshire, with occasional excursions into adjacent counties, and include images of the oldest working floor maltings in England, Warminster Maltings. Amber comments on planning and listed building applications on malthouses for Historic Buildings and Places, formerly the Ancient Monuments Society as well as the Association for Industrial Archaeology. She has worked with the former Royal Commission on Historic Monuments (England) as well as local authorities and private clients. She has published several papers and most recently The Buildings of the Maltings Industry, The Production of malt from prehistory to the 21st century, which was commissioned by Historic England.
Date: Thursday 3 April 2025
Venue: The Methodist Church, St Edmunds Church Street, Salisbury, SP1 1EF
Time: Doors open at 6:00 pm for a 6:30 pm start
Price: Free to members. £5.00 for non-members (Cheque or cash only please)