Celebrating our Heritage Enhancing our Environment Shaping our Future

Open Meeting Webinar

The fast moving events of Covid-19  has presented the Civic Society with surprising opportunities. The pandemic  is challenging the norms of how we live, work and plan for the future but also provided opportunities to trial a different format for the annual autumn Open Meeting, to forge new partnerships, to potentially widen the audience, and to ‘virtually’ engage with experienced planning, design & developer practitioners which would not have been possible in the past.

We are extremely grateful to the panel for their interest, their time and for sharing their ideas and projects – Andrea Pellegram, planning consultant to the City Council’s Neighbourhood Plan, designer Freidrich Ludewig of ACME international architects; developers David Dolman and Carwyn Davies Hacer Developments and their design team Andrew Nixon and Marta Lopez of Powell Dobson architects from south Wales, and Councillor Jeremy Nettle with his extensive knowledge and experience of Salisbury.

We are also very grateful to Fiona Curtis and the Wiltshire Creative team for getting us all online. It was quite a steep learning curve and whilst it was not perfect, hopefully we will do better next time! Our particular thanks to Wiltshire Creative’s executive director, Sebastian Warrack who chaired the event and facilitated a lively discussion with the panel. To read the full report of the meeting please click here

Nicola Lipscombe
SCS Development Committee